Games are one of the most anticipated parts of a baby shower. Guests
love playing the usually goofy games and they really help to bring a
party together. There are many traditional games, but today’s baby
showers are getting more creative and adding humor into the ideas. The
baby shower game smell the diaper is one such game.
One of the newest trends in baby showers is making the games very
interactive and humorous. Smell the diaper brings a but of gross-out
humor to the party. The concept of smell the diaper is for guests to
smell diapers that have been smeared with melted candy. Of course, the
melted candy looks suspicious inside a diaper and makes for plenty of
laughs and funny faces.
To prepare the game there needs to be diapers and candy that can be
melted or smashed into pieces. The person setting up the game should
assign numbers to each diaper and record what candy is in the
corresponding numbered diaper, so there is no confusion later. Melted
candy can be smeared on the diapers and smashed candy sprinkled into the
diaper. Of course, chocolate makes for the best choice as it will cause
the most commotion from guests.
When it is time to play the game, the diapers are passed around to
each guest. Guests smell the diaper and record their guesses as to what
type of candy is in the diaper. The person with the most correct guesses
wins. One rule, though, no tasting -smelling only.
The baby shower game smell the diaper is a creative twist on
traditional baby shower games. This game will have guests rolling with
laughter. They will have a ball playing the game and the mother-to-be
will surely love the reactions, providing a great memory. This game is
easy to set up and fun to play.